The Tsuha Foundation is a private foundation that envisions a more equitable world.

We support organizations that come alongside low income people to break the cycle of poverty.


PUEO Program

Founded at Punahou School in 2005, the Clarence T.C. Ching PUEO Program aims to serve and support scholars with unlimited potential but limited economic resources. A partnership with the Hawai‘i State Department of Education (HIDOE), PUEO is designed to motivate students to develop the skills, confidence and resilience to excel in school, attain their college aspirations and contribute to Hawai‘i’s future.

“PUEO influenced me to make decisions for my future. The classes, events, field trips and college tours gave me a sense of belonging and community. This program gave me experiences that I probably would have never had if I didn't go; especially, during the summer before 9th grade which gave me an inside look at what high school would be like and more importantly, taught me to use my voice”.   

Alexa-Lee Kaeo '23

PUEO works with 60+ partner elementary, middle and high schools across Hawai‘i and serves approximately 250 students in grades 4-12. The program provides a comprehensive enriched summer experiential and academic program for nine consecutive summers, and students may earn up to three full credits toward high school graduation. The PUEO cohort model focuses on pilina (relationships) and the program’s consistent culture of caring builds strong bonds of support that transcends school districts and class years.

Scholars are nominated from 32 participating HIDOE elementary schools as rising 4th grade students based on five criteria: represent the middle of the academic class; strong character; supportive family; participation in the federal free and reduced lunch program; and a first- generation college candidate.